JPMAM launches multi-asset emerging market fund

JP Morgan Asset Management has launched an emerging markets multi-asset fund.

JPMAM launches multi-asset emerging market fund
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The JPM Emerging Markets Multi-Asset Fund, which is domiciled in Luxembourg, will, along with Grant, be managed by the company’s global multi asset group (GMAG), which consist of 50 investment professionals, managing nearly $60bn.

JPMAM said the investment team will utilise existing emerging markets strategies for the fund’s direct market exposure while also implementing tactical asset allocation to reflect the team’s shorter tem macro views.

The portfolio will initially be split between equities, managed by Richard Titherington, chief investment officer (CIO) of emerging market equities, and fixed income, managed by Pierre-Yves Bareau, CIO of emerging market debt. JPMAM said the product will evolve over time as Grant and the GMAG team tactically allocate between asset categories to incorporate the company’s best ideas in emerging markets.

In addition, the fund will utilise a futures overlay strategy which will enable it to take shorter-term, tactical bets according to relative valuations and momentum signals.

The fund’s objective is to provide capital growth by investing primarily in an actively managed portfolio of equities and bonds of emerging market companies and sovereign issuers.

Marc Shaw, client portfolio manager for the JPM Emerging Markets Multi-Asset Fund said: “Emerging markets still look compelling based on our long term view that the emerging economies will continue to have higher GDP growth and will see continued growth of its their middle classes which will lead to increased domestic consumption trends within the regions.

“Our experienced localised investment teams will give investors an opportunity to gain access to these trends whilst keeping volatility at a minimum.”