ishares targets ifas with etf toolkit

iShares has created a “toolkit” to help advisers assess the role ETFs can play in portfolios, including calculation of total costs, tax implications and what to look for in available funds.

ishares targets ifas with etf toolkit


The kit, which is being distributed to IFAs across the UK, also includes a guide ‘smart strategies for ETF investing’ that shows how ETFs can be used to construct a diversified core portfolio for clients.

It also incorporates materials which can be used in conversation with end investors, including a seven point ‘talking ETFs with your clients’ document, a ‘dispelling common ETF myths’ factsheet, and a tailored ETF guide.

This follows the launch of iShares’ accredited continuous professional development webinar course in July last year, an online programme consisting of three modules designed to help advisers fill qualification gaps ahead of the RDR.

Pollyanna Rhodes, head of intermediary sales, iShares UK, said the introduction of RDR has increased the interest seen in ETFs from financial advisers.

“There is also now much more awareness of the role that asset allocation plays in generating risk-managed returns, which is leading many investors to look at blending index products with active funds in their portfolios,” she added.

“This toolkit is designed to be a comprehensive, yet easy to use, reference guide for advisers which will both increase their expertise of ETFs and better enable them to have conversations with their clients about the benefits of index products.”

The ETF toolkit is also available to download from the iShares website: