Aviva Investors launches private debt LTAF
Builds on existing real estate and climate transition LTAFs
Builds on existing real estate and climate transition LTAFs
The 2020s is not the 1970s, writes Ernst Knacke, head of research at Shard Capital, but more like the early 1900s
Changes measure to percentage of GDP
The research team said looser monetary policy represents ‘a turning point’ for the asset class, but warns investors to ‘stay vigilant’
It took out a £70m loan to improve its ailing share price discount
The highest debt levels on record could make gold a better safety net than bonds, according to these fund managers
While global debt levels appear sustainable for the time being, they remain vulnerable to poor political management
Size of the trust may be too small for some investors once its £114.6m debt has been paid down, the board said
Cash also fell 82% as the company’s debts rose to £0.6m
Gold is hitting one high after another, but investors are dropping the precious metal
Newly launched fund will focus on interest rate and credit risk
Speculative-grade debt is accounting for a growing share of upcoming maturities, expected to rise four-fold by 2028