Artemis recruits analysts as personal reasons see Stephen Moore exit
William Warren to take over on one of the few remaining 130-30 funds
William Warren to take over on one of the few remaining 130-30 funds
‘Our advice to clients would be to reassess withdrawal rates now’
WPCT board in the dark as Woodford sold 60% of trust holding amid fund suspension woes
Liquidity concerns and higher costs have alienated wealth managers from the asset class
Finsbury Growth & Income already has a tiered fee structure
Now that corporate bond issuers take ESG seriously attention is turning to sovereigns
Disagrees with UK commentators that US/China trade dispute is the next Cold War
Aberdeen Standard becomes latest group to launch a specific China A-shares fund
Investors pull £150m from Income Focus – in line with outflows from much bigger funds
Fund buyers wishing to increase US weighting has dipped
Irn Bru maker suffers 25% hit to shares on profit warning
Closed-ended fund with 83% in UK equities wants to remain in global sector