Axa taps into multi-cap trend with UK equity income rebrand
75% of the sub-scale fund is in FTSE 100 names
75% of the sub-scale fund is in FTSE 100 names
$12trn duo ‘staggers’ industry with excuses for shielding management from accountability
Crashing out of the EU could see the pound near parity with the dollar
Equities manager had touted stock as patient capital success story – before it fell 65%
Analysts attempt to decipher which company caused a 4p hit to NAV
$480m held in trio of companies exposed to Trump immigration camps
Rutherford can demand £32.5m from Woodford by next August
Jacob de Tusch-Lec ramps up exposure to stock shunned by rivals
London Stock Exchange is a top holding in four Lindsell Train portfolios
Newriver Reit and Brave Bison among stocks contributing to £43m losses
£100m fundraise will help Chrysalis buy unquoteds from open-ended range
Hargreaves income investors the only unit holders to add to the fund in H1