
  • Are the next three weeks a great buying opportunity?

    Are the next three weeks a great buying opportunity?

    We are now just three weeks from the general election in the United Kingdom so a significant window of opportunity could be closing, depending on your assessment of the situation.

  • Heptagon Capital converts fund

    Heptagon Capital converts fund

    Heptagon Capital has announced the conversion of its Helicon Fund to a global long-only equity vehicle.

  • Market may be mispricing election risk

    Market may be mispricing election risk

    The market may be incorrectly pricing the uncertainty resulting from the upcoming United Kingdom election, according to Nick French, head of UK Wealth Management at Russell Investments.

  • Why fund managers must underweight Shell

    Why fund managers must underweight Shell

    While Royal Dutch Shell’s £47bn acquisition of BG Group is something of super-sized deal for the FTSE, it promises to be a weighty problem for active and passive funds alike.

  • Currency caution and capsize concerns

    Currency caution and capsize concerns

    Buying the worst house on a good block is a mantra that has served many a property developer well over the years. The converse to that, however, makes a less compelling argument especially if ones overriding philosophy is location, location, location.

  • Dividends set to rise 7 this year

    Dividends set to rise 7 this year

    Ordinary dividends from FTSE 100 and FTSE 250 companies are forecast to rise 7% on an aggregate basis to £79.3bn this financial year, according to a new report from Markit.

  • Fed split revelation threatens US equities

    Fed split revelation threatens US equities

    US equities are expected to be hit by news that a significant split has emerged within the Federal Reserve on raising interest rates.

  • Macro funds leading the way in 2015

    Macro funds leading the way in 2015

    Global macro has been the best performing hedge fund strategy during the first quarter of 2015, research by GAM has revealed.

  • Why 'Sell in May' makes more sense this year

    Why ‘Sell in May’ makes more sense this year

    Sell in May is a hackneyed notion thats bandied around as every spring dawns, but UK political uncertainty spells a special case for caution this year.

  • Man GLG launches European mid-cap fund

    Man GLG launches European mid-cap fund

    Man GLG, the discretionary investment management business of Man Group, has launched the Man GLG European Mid-Cap Equity Alternative Fund, managed by Moni Sternbach.

  • Italy and tech biggest small cap winners

    Italy and tech biggest small cap winners

    Italian and tech companies made the biggest share price gains among European small caps during March, according to Euromoney Indices.

  • Dividends the focus but resilience the key

    Dividends the focus but resilience the key

    With many a UK investors eye trained toward the upcoming election and the prospect of a high level of volatility leading up to and following the vote, resilience is a word that keeps cropping up.