infrastructure natural portfolio cornerstone

Listed infrastructure companies are a natural cornerstone investment with a proven ability to deliver consistent absolute returns and to diversify portfolios, according to Alan Brierley, analyst at Collins Stewart.

infrastructure natural portfolio cornerstone
2 minutes

He said the sector continues to go from strength-to-strength and given their defensive qualities could see further material outperformance in the coming months, so he has given it an overweight rating.

The low correlation with other asset classes and attractive yield characteristics are further benefits investors can derive from infrastructure investments.

Compared to the FTSE All Share yield of 3.6%, the size-weighted infrastructure sector yield is 5.3%, Brierly said.

"Progressive dividends have been a feature and these are fully covered from cashflows, the majority of which are index linked," he added.

The listed infrastructure sector has experienced impressive growth since the launch of HICL 2006, Brierly said, and with the upcoming launch of Bilfinger Berger Global Infrastructure, will see its sector market cap reach £3bn.

His favoured exposure is through HICL Infrastructure and International Public Partnerships, which he lists as buy and John Laing Infrastructure, which he lists as add.

Andy Parsons, head of investment research at The Share Centre, agreed listed infrastructure is likely to become more prominent in the coming years, particularly given the current economic global slowdown.

He explained: "The focus in many countries around the world is on the stimulation of economic growth and where better for governments to direct stimulus packages than on improvements to their internal strategic assets like road, rail, sea ports, gas, electric and water utilities.

"In regions like China this is likely to mean new facilities, whereas in the US and Europe it is likely to result in upgrading current facilities."
He suggested the First State Global Listed Infrastructure Fund as a way for investors to access the sector, as it offered "global equity exposure while retaining a defensive and more balanced return".

The fund’s manager Peter Meany has more than 11 years’ experience investing in the sector and over a three-year period it has returned 49.54%, compared to a sector average of 46.32%.

Over a one-year time frame it is 2.29% up, compared to a sector average loss of 5.97%.