India equity fund launched by Isle of Man-based firm

t1ps Investment Management is launching a unit trust investing in India.


The Elite t1ps India Fund, which is set to launch at the beginning of August, will be managed by TIM fund managers Tom Winnifrith, Robert Sutherland Smith, Ross Jones and James Faulkner who are all small-mid cap specialists. In addition, a financial analyst is set to join the team shortly who will initially be based in the IoM but who will then relocate to Mumbai in January 2012.

The fund will invest in small to medium sized Indian companies, with a market capitalization of between $50-$750m, seeking to deliver long-term capital growth. The fund will invest primarily in Indian equities, selected via bottom up fundamental analysis.

TIM said its target companies will typically be well established within or connected to India producing turnover, predictable cash flows and revenues, alongside a healthy balance sheet after investment.

Minimum investment in the fund is £500, which can be purchased in shares or in conjunction with an existing stocks and shares ISA, or, as part of a regular monthly savings plan.