Heartwood steps beyond 2bn mark in AUM

In the past six months, Heartwood Investment Management has passed the £2bn mark in assets under management and administration.

Heartwood steps beyond 2bn mark in AUM


Biggest inflows were recorded in the firm’s multi asset funds, which total £1.1bn AUM.
In the private client, charity and intermediary divisors of the business, total inflows measured £600m over the past 12 months. Most new business was driven by referrals as well as through client retention. 
“We have surpassed the £2billion milestone of discretionary funds under management having attracted significant inflows across all our client divisions,” head of the firm, Noland Carter, said. 
In May, the firm told Portfolio Adviser that it did not own commodities on behalf of its clients. The reason for this, Heartwood investment manager, Jade Fu, explained was the ever-increasing dominance of financial considerations over fundamentals in many of these markets.