Ex-Goldman director takes over Threadneedle GEM equity fund

Threadneedle has confirmed Irina Miklavchich will manage its GEM equity fund.

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Miklavchich will take over from Vanessa Donegan and Rafael Polatinsky, who had been managing the fund since September 2010.

Donegan, head of Asia (ex Japan) and GEM equities at Threadneedle, and Polatinsky will continue to provide ideas and support to Miklavchich.

“The last few years have seen emerging market equities move from being a small ‘alternative’ allocation within investors’ portfolios to become an essential part of any diversified investment strategy,” Miklavchich says.

“We see domestic consumption and corporate investment as two key drivers for emerging markets and look for opportunities to benefit from these structural trends.”

Threadneedle has also reconfirmed that Miklavchich will be taking over other emerging markets portfolios "at a later stage".