Global Equity Unconstrained Fund

The fund aims to provide long term growth by investing in a diversified portfolio of global equity assets. The investment team will maintain a diverse asset mix at country, sector and stock level, with the regional, country and sector weightings within the portfolio being a by-product of the underlying stock exposure.

Global Equity Unconstrained Fund
3 minutes

Global Equity Unconstrained Fund

Their primary focus is on stock selection to try to take advantage of opportunities they have identified. Due to the unconstrained nature of the fund investors must be willing to accept a relatively high degree of stock specific risk.

The value of investments within the Fund can fall as well as rise and is not guaranteed – you may get back less than you pay in. The fund may use derivatives for the purpose of efficient portfolio management and to meet its investment objective. The sterling value of overseas assets held in the Fund may rise and fall as a result of exchange rate fluctuations.




Why this Fund?

  • Broad opportunity set – global equities provide a compelling solution for investors looking for a wide and diverse opportunity set. We seek to capture this potential in a concentrated but well-diversified portfolio.
  • Truly active investing – our unconstrained approach gives us the freedom to express deep, stock-level insights to the fullest possible extent without consideration for potentially inhibiting benchmark constraints. This ability to invest in only our highest-conviction ideas means that our Global Equity Unconstrained Fund is the purest expression of stock picking, reflecting our best investment ideas and representing truly active investing.
  • High conviction, not high risk – when constructing the fund, we base risk tolerance on more relevant characteristics than the benchmark weightings of the underlying stocks. Instead, we use a host of advanced tools to model and characterise risk, including factor analysis and risk diversification models. We also rigorously assess particular stocks for fundamental risks, such as thematic risk and balance-sheet risk.
  • Extensive resources – Mikhail Zverev manages the portfolio and leads our six-strong global equities team. The team draws from the investment insight of over 60 managers/analysts across Standard Life Investments. We also gather insights from analysts in our corporate bond, real estate and strategy teams. This means we can maintain proprietary, in-depth and continuous coverage of more than 1,300 companies across the global stock universe. It also ensures that we can maintain close and regular contact with company management teams, holding more than 3,000 company meetings a year across the world.
  • Proven, consistently-applied investment approach – we employ a clear and consistent investment approach, looking for stock-specific opportunities by identifying insights into companies’ prospects that the rest of the market has yet to recognise. This approach enables us as global stock pickers to select the best, highest-conviction ideas for the Global Equity Unconstrained Fund.
  • Recognised capability – our clients trust us to manage over £58 billion* in our equity portfolios – a clear endorsement of the strength of our people, products and process.
*Source: Standard Life Investments, as at 31/08/2014


Fund information

Fund performance to end-Sep 2015

Chart, showing Retail Accumulation, powered by data from FE

Fund Manager     Mikhail Zverev
Fund Manager
Start Date
July 2010
Launch Date 16th November 1998
IA Sector IA Global
Benchmark IA Global
Base Currency GBP
Shareclass Unhedged



Fund performance & returns

  01/10/2014 to 30/09/2015 01/10/2013 to 30/09/2014 01/10/2012 to 30/09/2013 01/10/2011 to 30/09/2012 01/10/2010 to 30/09/2011
Fund performance 12.50% -2.69% 28.53% n/a n/a
Sector performance -1.36% 7.87% 18.78% 12.99% -4.90%
  Last 1 month* Last 6 months* Last 1 year* Last 3 years* Last 5 years*
Fund performance -0.88% -4.06% 12.50% 40.70% n/a
Sector performance -3.71% -11.70% -1.36% 26.39% 35.81%
*Values to 30/9/2015    
Note: Past Performance is not a guide to future performance. The price of shares in the fund and the income from them may go down as well as up and cannot be guaranteed; an investor may receive back less than their original investment. For full details of the fund’s objective, policy, investment and borrowing powers and details of the risks investors need to be aware of, please refer to the prospectus. For a full description of those eligible to invest in each share class please refer to the relevant prospectus.