Fund selector: Global Equity Income

Global equity funds can be a great diversifier but investors must be conscious of pitfalls such as opaque charges and the temptation of ‘risk-creep’.

Fund selector: Global Equity Income
1 minute

Funds to watch – 3-yr performance

• The Newton Global Income Fund is not only the biggest fund in the sector but also one of the most flexible. It can invest in any size company from any recognised exchange in the world. Fund manager Nick Clay (pictured) has an impressive track record of identifying key themes that drive change in the global economy. The fund employs a strict buy and sell discipline and maintains a relatively concentrated portfolio of between 50 and 70 stocks. 
• One of the less volatile portfolios is the Fidelity Global Dividend Fund. Manager Daniel Roberts focuses on companies with consistent cashflows, simple business models and little or no debt on their balance sheets. It follows a bottom-up approach to investing in companies that offer a sustainable yield underpinned by a growing level of income, as well as the potential for capital growth.
• The Sarasin Global Higher Dividend Fund is managed by Sarasin’s flagship proprietary thematic process. The fund managers seek to identify companies with under-recognised investment potential then use a financial model to uncover specific equity income opportunities. The fund aims to deliver a 50% annual income to the MSCI World and is one of the few funds in the sector with a 10-year track record.