Fund manager skill to come to the fore Woodford

In a new interview with Portfolio Adviser, Neil Woodford discusses why the next three to five years are likely to be a more challenging environment for fund managers.

Fund manager skill to come to the fore Woodford


Speaking to Portfolio Adviser ahead of the launch of Woodford Investment Management, Woodford argues that, as the flood of monetary stimulus that has lifted all manner of asset prices in global markets subsides, so the market is going to get increasingly tricky to navigate and the skills of the fund manager are going to come ever more to the fore.

In the interview, Woodford discusses not only why he is less bullish than consensus on UK growth, he also explains why it is highly unlikely that markets are going to be as profitable over the course of the next three to five years, as they were in the past three to five.

But, more importantly, he looks at why such an environment should provide remarkable opportunities for the right portfolio. 

The full video will be available on the Portfolio Adviser website a little later this afternoon.