fitzsimmons resigns from threadneedle

Quentin Fitzsimmons is counting down the days to mid-July when his resignation from Threadneedle becomes effective.

fitzsimmons resigns from threadneedle
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According to the company he has decided to take a career break and will leave in the middle of July.

Jim Cielinski, head of fixed income at Threadneedle, commented: “We are making changes to strengthen and extend our fixed income platform and would have liked him to be part of our future growth.”

Fitzsimmons joined Threadneedle in 2003 and leaves as manager of the firm’s £480m Absolute Return Oeic and its Sicav equivalent, the €320m Target Return funds.

He co-manages the funds with Matthew Cobon who will take on lead management responsibility. He is also manager of the £180m Threadneedle Defensive and £288m Defensive Equity & Bond funds which will be taken on by his team of Richard Stevens, Dave Chappell, Martin Harvey and Matt Rees.

Cielinski confirmed that further fixed income appointments will be made shortly.