fidelity unveils global dividend fund

Fidelity Worldwide Investment has unveiled its latest equity income fund run by ex-Gartmore manager Daniel Roberts, who joined the firm at the tail end of last year.

fidelity unveils global dividend fund
1 minute

The Fidelity Global Dividend Fund will open on 30 January and is targeting an estimated yield of 4% at launch.

It will be an unconstrained portfolio of around 50 best ideas from across the world, seeking to invest in companies providing a combination of capital and income growth.

The aim is to provide investors with a gross yield that is around 25% above the yield of the MSCI All Countries World Index, which is expected to equate to an estimated 4% at launch.

Roberts joined Fidelity’s newly established global equity income team in November after just two months at Eden Financial.

Before that he was an equity income manager at Gartmore, until it was acquired and restructured by Henderson.

Fidelity said, in his new fund, Roberts will apply the same investment approach he has followed throughout his career.

He will aim to strike a balance between stocks with a high yield today and those with a lower current yield which he believes will have potential for substantial future dividend growth.

Roberts explained: "As I have done throughout my career, I invest in stocks where there is a good margin of safety, providing a degree of capital protection in volatile markets, and where progressive distribution policies give the potential for sustainable dividend growth.

"I aim to deliver a combination of strong long-term results with lower volatility than the broader market and income growth ahead of inflation."