Bond funds panned for ‘tea-and-biscuits’ approach to ESG
Fixed income managers balk at idea of challenging companies
Fixed income managers balk at idea of challenging companies
Explicit reference to ESG in revised UK Stewardship Code a win for campaigners
76% of investors now want the companies they hold to be responsible
Asset manager is signed up to UN PRI and UK Stewardship Code
IA has previously criticised similar scheme from Europe
FTSE 100 wealth manager hires former Hermes woman
Tesla’s green agenda helps James Anderson stick by the stock through tough times
Professional investors express frustration about dealing with asset managers on ESG
No universal definition exists for the £16bn worth of assets in the IA Ethical sector
Top-selling environmental, social and governance ETF rakes in $140m
Many fund managers unsure about the link between inclusive companies and stock market returns
Two analysts will support firm’s portfolio managers in implementing ESG