Eaton Vance targets European investors with global HY fund

Eaton Vance Management International has rolled out a global high yield bond fund, aimed at European investors.

Eaton Vance targets European investors with global HY fund
1 minute

“Equity and broad fixed income markets’ returns are currently impacted by their sensitivity to policy changes and uncertain macroeconomic environments, meaning investors are on the lookout for alternatives,” said Michael Weilheimer, another one of the investment professionals overseeing the fund.    

Weilheimer, also the director of high yield bond investments, added: “As skilled managers, we have the flexibility to manage a wide opportunity set and aim to take advantage of market dislocations around the globe, while managing risk and focusing on downside protection for investors.”

The fund will also be managed by portfolio managers Kelley Baccei and Stephen Concannon who will draw on the expertise of Eaton Vance’s 20-person strong high yield team.