CFA: Corporate bonds still perceived as overvalued

Investors have viewed corporate bonds as overvalued for the past five quarters, data has found.

CFA: Corporate bonds still perceived as overvalued


Government bonds were perceived to be overvalued by 82% of respondents, up 4% from the last two quarters.

Elsewhere, 69% said developed market equities were pricey, up from 40% in Q1 2016.

The only asset class believed to offer any value was emerging market equities, with 41% viewing them as undervalued and 34% as fair value.

Goodhart added: “Few of the main asset classes are currently regarded as offering value, though emerging market equities are still seen as attractive.

“We’re reinforcing the message that others have put out that valuations are high but may remain so and that emerging markets seem to offer relatively better value for the time being.”