Cartesian co-founder David Stevenson to leave firm

Co-founder of Ignis Asset Managements joint venture Cartesian Capital Partners is to leave the firm

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Stevenson was a founding partner of Cartesian, helping to establish the business as a joint venture with Ignis Asset Management in 2005. He was also responsible for managing the Cartesian UK Opportunities Fund.

Cartesian partner Jeremy Hall has now taken over the fund and will work with Stevenson until his retirement. Ongoing, Hall will be supported in the management of the fund by another founding partner, Andrew Kelly.

Hall is also responsible for managing Cartesian’s Enhanced Alpha Fund and has done since its inception in November 2007.

“The business is built on the backbone of a long established and successful investment philosophy and process and while personnel will change over time our philosophy and process remains core to the delivery of superior investment returns for clients," said Kelly.

“We wish David well for the future and know that the long only products are in the very capable hands of Jeremy and Andrew,” said chairman of Cartesian Capital Partners and Ignis Asset Management’s corporate development director Ian Paterson Brown. “As a significant equity stakeholder in Cartesian, Ignis remains committed to supporting and developing the business in pursuit of superior investment performance for investors.”