Bellpenny’s head of direct propositions departs

John Chapman has left his role as head of direct propositions at Bellpenny to pursue new opportunities.

Bellpenny’s head of direct propositions departs
1 minute

Chapman was previously managing director of Torquil Clark, which was acquired by Bellpenny for an undisclosed sum in 2014; he left the firm at the end of 2015.

After the takeover Chapman joined the group’s executive and took up the role of head of the broader group’s direct business and oversaw the integration of the Torquil Clark into the broader group.

Dominic Rose, head of acquisitions at Bellpenny has taken on Chapman’s portfolio; he will remain head of acquisitions.

“John was instrumental to the integration of Torquil and he remains a good friend of the business.” Rose said.

Asked what the plans are for the direct proposition going forward, Rose told Portfolio Adviser, that Bellpenny plans to continue growing the business and will be investing in it over the course of 2016.

Rose added that the firm also continues to look at a number of potential acquisitions.