axa im launches global bond fund for hayes

Axa Investment Managers has launched a global bond fund for Nick Hayes.

axa im launches global bond fund for hayes
1 minute

Hayes will run the Axa WF Global Strategic Bonds without a benchmark using active asset allocation across global bond markets, investing in what he sees as the best alpha-generating opportunities given his views on the macro-economic cycle. To get these views he will leverage the firm’s fixed income team run by Chris Iggo as chief investment officer.

The Ucits-III-compliant fund – that has been available since 11 May – will also actively manage duration exposure to minimise interest rate risk.

Hayes commented: “The Axa WF Global Strategic Bonds is a flexible, broadly diversified portfolio of global fixed income assets. With an unconstrained investment approach applied within a tightly-controlled risk framework we will take a top-down investment view, combining global macro views with local market insight, in order to determine an optimal asset allocation strategy.“

The fund is domiciled in Luxembourg and currently is only registered for sale in Luxembourg though the firm is considering registration across a number of countries throughout Europe.