Author: Geoff Candy

  • Investors displaying significant overconfidence – natixis

    Investors displaying significant overconfidence – natixis

    Investors could be setting themselves up for a significant amount of disappointment, a new survey by Natixis reveals.

  • Currency caution and capsize concerns

    Currency caution and capsize concerns

    Buying the worst house on a good block is a mantra that has served many a property developer well over the years. The converse to that, however, makes a less compelling argument especially if ones overriding philosophy is location, location, location.

  • Nuanced EM exposure likely to deliver

    Nuanced EM exposure likely to deliver

    The broad outlook for emerging markets is cloudy at best says Natixis chief market strategist, David Lafferty. But, that is not to say they should be avoided, in total. Rather, a more nuanced approach is needed.

  • Woodford raises patient capital trust offer

    Woodford raises patient capital trust offer

    The Woodford Patient Capital Trust has increased the limit of the initial share issue from £500m to £800m after strong initial demand.

  • Greater asset management company oversight needed

    Greater asset management company oversight needed

    The International Monetary Fund has called for greater oversight of the asset management industry.

  • Shell megadeal shines spotlight on dividends

    Shell megadeal shines spotlight on dividends

    In 2014, five companies accounted for 45% of the £97.4bn that was paid out in dividends to UK investors, according to the latest issue of the Capita UK Dividend Monitor.

  • Jupiter’s Ian McVeigh to move from managing UK Growth Fund

    Jupiter’s Ian McVeigh to move from managing UK Growth Fund

    Ian McVeigh will step back from day-today fund management, including management of the Jupiter UK Growth Fund at the end of April, to assume the newly created role of head of governance at the firm.

  • GEMs lose out to Europe Japan as dispersion grows

    GEMs lose out to Europe Japan as dispersion grows

    The prospects for Japan and Europe appear decidedly rosier than those of emerging markets, the latest edition of the Fidelity Worldwide Analyst Survey reveals.

  • BlackRock expands currency-hedged ETF range

    BlackRock expands currency-hedged ETF range

    BlackRock has launched two new currency-hedged ETFs.

  • Taking advantage of central banker Miton

    Taking advantage of central banker Miton

    The active management of asset prices by central bankers is likely to remain a dominant feature of 2015, said Miton multi-asset head David Jane.

  • Corams Gray hiding in plain sight

    Corams Gray hiding in plain sight

    There are not too many places to hide at the moment says Coram Asset Managements Martin Gray.

  • Dividend yields driving diminishing

    Dividend yields driving diminishing

    A dividend yield of 4% or more has been the major driver of investment trust prices since the financial crisis new research by Cantor Fitzgerald shows.