ECB may push rate rises beyond next year
Central bank ends QE despite weaker growth outlook
Central bank ends QE despite weaker growth outlook
Fund manager Arnaud Langlois joined Swiss fund house in February
Efama reveals upwards trend in cross-border Ucits and AIFs volumes
Convertible bonds can provide higher yields during tightening cycles
EU and Italian standoff has reignited eurozone debt concerns
Country’s economy remains overwhelmingly dependent on oil and gas
Strong US data threatens further policy divergence with Europe
FTSE 100 sheds 1.58% as investors fret over US-China trade war and rising rates
Italy’s government backtracked on spending plans following a negative reaction, but further EU clashes expected
Fund selectors could be forced to disregard information in the Priip Kids when choosing funds
“Many companies claim a bond is green or ethical,” says Noelle Cazalis
Currency sell-off highlights country’s reliance on foreign capital.