Aquila Capital launches liquid futures fund in UK

Aquila Capital has launched a new CTA fund to the UK market, which will offer daily rather than weekly liquidity.

Aquila Capital launches liquid futures fund in UK
1 minute

The AC Spectrum fund is a liquid futures fund, which is Ucits compliant and one of the first of its kind to offer daily liquidity.

Aquila said the fund is a fully systemic trend follower that targets a return of 18% to 20% per year with 15% volatility.

The fund was launched in Germany in May and returned 9.88% in August, with returns of 9.44% since inception.

Its strategies have been developed by the Aquila Capital Quant Team headed by Prof. Harry M Kat who recently joined the company.

The manager of the fund is Dr Jan Auspurg who has previously worked for Salomon Brothers/Citigroup, Bankers Trust and JP Morgan.

Trend following is supplemented with two additional strategies that are negatively correlated to it in order to create a more stable return stream over time.