syz launches european selection strategy

Syz & Co has announced the launch of Oyster European Selection, a new sub-fund of its Oyster Luxembourg Ucits Sicav which is managed by European equities specialist Eric Bendahan.

syz launches european selection strategy


Bendahan formerly worked at Axa IM as European equities manager for six years and has been with Syz & Co since November 2005.

He has also managed the Oyster European Opportunities fund since December 2005.

Syz & Co said the European Selection Fund adopts the same "essence and philosophy" as that of the European Opportunities strategy, but has a longer-term approach.

The five-year time horizon will allow Bendahan to focus on long term stories, the company continued, leading to an increased selectivity in stocks.

Oyster European Selection will typically have between 40 and 50 stocks, while Oyster European Opportunities has between 70 and 90 stocks.

The strategy is style-agnostic, according to Syz, with stock-picking, bottom up convictions central to the approach.

A spokesperson for the company said: "What’s interesting about this fund is it’s going to be investing in companies that are listed but where families exercise control or have a strong involvement.

"Eric’s view is that investing in stock markets can be more short-termist at the moment than investing in companies where families have been with the business for a long time and can afford invest back into and develop the firm over the long term."

A strong focus of the strategy will be on growth companies in the small cap area and the turnover is expected to be lower than that of the European Opportunities strategy.

As a Ucits-compliant strategy, the European Selection will be available to intermediaries and fund-pickers and in the future, as with the European Opportunities fund, will be registered in the UK.

The minimum investment into the strategy is €1m.