SHAM: VIPs, RSVPs and bargain shopping sprees

It’s fair to say that a career in financial services journalism has its perks. There was SHAM, Pimm’s in hand, basking in the sunshine over the Oval at the weekend with not a care in the world.

SHAM: VIPs, RSVPs and bargain shopping sprees
1 minute

VIP, that’s me. Vocational Investment P*ss-artist, talking shop in executive boxes all over town.

What a difference 48 hours makes, from a sun-drenched sozzled Saturday to what commentators are ingeniously calling another ‘Black Monday’.

The clouds came over all portentous and this week has turned out damper than the sleeves of a teenage One Direction fan.

So what went wrong? I’ll tell you what went wrong – SHAM bloody put more money into the markets last week, that’s what.

Trust my luck to pick the exact worse time to buy in, topping up on Andrew Swan’s BlackRock Asia Special Situations and buying into Julie Dean’s TM Sanditon UK fund.

Pick a proven manager with a small fund, they say. Well, yes it’s a proven manager with an even smaller fund now. Ho-hum.

Still, it will be interest to see Dean’s next move as her ‘business cycle’ approach hopefully uncovers opportunities created by changing stock market valuations and earnings growth.