The Talking Factsheets videos feature Square Mile’s team of analysts reviewing the objectives and risks and giving their view of funds drawn from their Rated, Recommended and Positive Prospects lists.
Square Mile typically rate between 250 and 300 funds from a universe of around 2,800 funds. The ratings process is fuelled by a qualitative approach that focuses on the fundamentals: manager and environment, investment philosophy and objectives, investment process, portfolio construction, management of risk and value for money.
Square Mile’s team of qualitative researchers work to pinpoint funds that have real potential to deliver their stated objectives consistently for clients. Analysts undertake thorough, detailed quarterly reviews of every fund included in the rated or recommended list, following a discussion with the fund manager.
Rated funds each have a dedicated factsheet on the Academy of Funds website. The factsheet includes information on how the fund works and Square Mile’s opinion and rating. They are designed to help advisers to understand what their clients can expect from the fund.
This new video service reflects the result of Square Mile’s exhaustive research and is embedded within the fund factsheets to provide an easy-to-access resource for intermediaries.
The Talking Factsheets videos are an innovative way to bring the factsheets to life, combining Square Mile’s independent, qualitative fund research with accessible video content. The aim is to give advisers and financial institutions further depth to their research and help them make informed decisions.
We believe this to be a unique offering in the industry where quality, insight and third-party independence ensure a new level of standing in fund videos.
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