Former Aberdeen multi-manager Kearney resurfaces

Aidan Kearney has resurfaced at the Health Foundation more than a year on from leaving Aberdeen Asset Management.

Former Aberdeen multi-manager Kearney resurfaces


Effective immediately, the appointment sees Kearney take on the role of chief investment officer with the independent-operated charity following a year off from managing money.

Kearney’s remit includes overseeing the investment strategy of the Health Foundation’s endowment fund, targeting an annual total return target of RPI plus 5% over a five to seven year period.

Operating a flexible mandate the fund invests across the asset class spectrum, with benchmark deviation ranging from +/- 5% at the equities end to +/- 3% in bonds, property and alternatives.

Having previously held a multi-manager berth at Aberdeen, Kearney’s other former employers include Credit Suisse, Premier Asset Management and Artemis Fund Managers.