Source announces five promotions

Source, the European exchange traded products supplier, has announced five promotions following a successful 2012.

Source announces five promotions


According to the firm, founded in April 2009, it captured the second highest level of new ETP assets last year and is now the sixth largest provider in the market.
Ludovic Djebali and Stefan Garcia have been promoted to managing director and co-head of sales, while Pierre Olivier Cohen is now executive director, Frabelux (France, Belgium, Luxembourg) sales.
Ted Hood, chief executive of Source said: "Financial services in general and exchange traded products in particular are very much a people driven business where both having and implementing the best ideas gives both a critical and a positive advantage. We are proud of the team we have assembled at Source and our rapid growth is a testimony to their efforts and success."
Fabrizio Palmucci is the firm’s new director, fixed income specialist, and Jasmine Stoschek takes on the associate, marketing role.