AXA American Growth vs Schroder US Mid Cap

This weeks head-to-head fund battle moves to the US where we compare the AXA Framlington American Growth Fund and the Schroder US Mid Cap Fund

AXA American Growth vs Schroder US Mid Cap
1 minute

The AXA Framlington American Growth Fund has been managed by Stephen Kelly since 1997 and has, over the last five years returned 109% to investors. The Schroder US Midcap Fund has produced a return over the same period of 98% and at just over £1bn in funds under management is roughly double the size of the AXA fund with £589m. In Jenny Jones, the Schroder fund, like the AXA vehicle, has a manager that has been with the fund for a considerable amount of time, since 2005.

There is a definite difference in terms of investment style between the two funds, with Jones following a value approach, as opposed to the growth emphasis of the AXA fund, but both funds have consistently beaten their respective benchmarks.

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