new protected structured product

Santander-owned Cater Allen Private Bank has launched a new structured product with 100% participation in FTSE 100 growth and full capital protection.

new protected structured product
1 minute

The Cater Allen Growth Plan 12 offers investors a market-linked, uncapped return on their original investment equivalent to 100% of any rise in the FTSE 100 index at the end of its six-year term.

Monthly averaging will be used in the final year to ease against volatility and with 100% protection the investor’s deposit will be returned in full at maturity even if the index has fallen.

The deposits are guaranteed by Santander and the plan is covered by Financial Services Compensation Scheme.

Fernando Gasca, head of investments at Cater Allen Private Bank, said: "Growth Plan 12 will appeal to investors looking for both capital security and unlimited potential returns in line with FTSE 100 growth. The product offers full capital protection at maturity, making it an attractive alternative to directly investing in the FTSE 100."

Growth Plan 12 requires a minimum deposit of £5,430 and the deadline for investment is 30 March, with commencement date the 27 April.