Mike Bell: The birth of a new bull market
JPMAM global market strategist is excited to watch both his recently-born daughter and the next bull market grow
JPMAM global market strategist is excited to watch both his recently-born daughter and the next bull market grow
Stephen Macklow-Smith has been with the business 23 years
Money market funds have seen inflows greater than during the peak of the financial peak
It’s not just the outbreak of Covid-19 that has derailed negotiations
Capacity of strategy has increased as emerging market liquidity improves
JPM Asia Growth manager has been surprised by market rebound and divergence between winners and losers
JPMAM chief market strategist thinks severity of the downturn depends on three factors
Covid-19 dominates short-term outlook but now is not a time to dial down risk
Andy McNulty will focus on Scotland and the North
JPMAM expects returns on the traditional US stock-bond portfolio to fall 10bps
Governance issues will make up the bulk of JPMAM’s risk-profile checklist
Fixed income hire comes as Iain Stealey gets promoted