rsm tenon selects cofunds

RSM Tenon has appointed Cofunds to do the back-office work for its self serve proposition and to provide platform services to RSM Tenon Wealth Management.

rsm tenon selects cofunds


Cofunds said the deal meant it would be providing the infrastructure and investor-facing website for RSM Tenon’s restricted advice proposition, which targets existing clients with under £100,000 of investable assets who are not seeking a full advice proposition.

In addition it will support the RSM Tenon Wealth proposition which focuses on providing a full financial and wealth management solution to the affluent community.

Cofunds said the proposition was due to be launched later this year and the deal had been struck following a “stringent and robust” selection process.

Alastair Conway, sales and marketing director at Cofunds, said: “The team at RSM Tenon is clearly committed to independence and is passionate about providing the best possible service and experience to their clients. So we’re extremely pleased that having carried out extensive platform due diligence, they’ve decided to put their faith in Cofunds to help them deliver that service to the same high standard and in the most appropriate way for each client segment.”