RSM Research triples analyst team in 10th year

Rayner Spencer Mills Research has hired two more analysts as the company approaches its 10th anniversary.

RSM Research triples analyst team in 10th year


Andrew Robinson and Amit Shah will join the investment research team providing in-depth investigation and analysis for the ongoing review of RSMR Rated Funds and the bespoke research offered to adviser clients, bringing the total in the team to six.

Both have held previous jobs in the financial services sector – Robinson held a role at HBOS and is an associate of the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment, while Shah has worked as a consultant, holds the IMC and is currently studying for a CFA qualification.

Director Geoff Mills said their appointments supported the business' growing client base and its objectives of offering advisers more robust support.

He said: "The continuing pressure on advisory firms to inject more structure and rigour into the development of their Centralised Investment Propositions means we have to be in position to respond and continue to deliver on service.

"As more and more firms are seeking to outsource fund research and analysis, RSMR is proud to offer an impartial service to meet the needs of those businesses. With Amit and Andrew's experience in the industry, we look forward to continuing to enhance our offering and grow our client base as we enter our tenth anniversary and beyond."