london boutique opens real return fund

Absolute return specialist RMG Wealth Management has unveiled a Real Return Fund, which aims to generate positive returns regardless of market conditions.

london boutique opens real return fund


The Guernsey-domiciled portfolio, which was launched last month with £13m in assets under management, is run by Stewart Richardson, RMG’s co-founder and chief investment officer.

Richardson, who has some 25 years’ experience of managing money for such firms as RBS Coutts, Merrill Lynch and Royal Bank of Canada, aims to combine “fundamentally attractive opportunities” with “a tactical overlay derived from market and sentiment analysis”.

To achieve this, the portfolio invests globally, across multiple asset classes and securities.

“The global economy is facing some major headwinds this year which is likely to lead to volatile markets. We believe a simplified strategy of ‘sell the euphoria and buy the hysteria’ will be successful, meaning tactical investment management is the key,” Richardson said.

“Underpinning this process is RMG’s proprietary, quantitative analysis and a unique emphasis on investor sentiment in the belief that it is either fear or greed that drives market sentiment.”

According to RMG, a London-based independent investment boutique, the launch of Real Return came in response to demand for its segregated portfolio service. In 2011 the service returned 3.4% to sterling investors and 5% to dollar investors, net of fees, the company said.

Real Return has weekly liquidity and is available in sterling and dollar share classes, with minimum investment limits of £10,000 and $10,000 respectively. The fund’s administrator is Butterfield Fulcrum Group and its custodian is Butterfield Bank.