LGIM drops Multi Index fees

Legal & General Investment Management has announced a series of changes to the running of its Multi Index fund range.

LGIM drops Multi Index fees


Management fees on the firm’s Multi Index 4, 6 and 7 vehicles will drop from 0.32% to 0.31% per annum, falling in line with the range’s 3 and 5 funds.

LGIM highlighted a drive to generate continuing capital growth following the suite exceeding £500m in assets under management, while keeping the funds within their respective risk parameters.

Further to the price alterations, Andrzej Pioch has been promoted from fund manager to co-manager on the range.

Pioch, who joined the firm in July 2014 following a multi-asset management role at Aviva Investors and lecturer’s berth at Queen Mary University of London, will work alongside lead manager Justin Onuekwusi, and co-managers Bruce White and Martin Dietz.

“Andrzej and I have worked together for many years,” said Onuekwusi, referring to the pair’s previous partnership at Aviva.

“The excellent support he has provided to the fund range since he joined has been a key part of its success, and I am confident this will continue within his new role as co-manager.”