Profiles & Comment

  • could the chinese rate cut fuel

    could the chinese rate cut fuel

    John Vail, chief global strategist at Nikko AM, takes a look at the implications of the China rate cut and warns on the “experts'” tendency to be over-optimistic on the country.

  • could the chinese rate cut fuel

    could the chinese rate cut fuel

    John Vail, Chief Global Strategist at Nikko AM, takes a look at the implications of the recent Chinese rate cut and warns against the “experts'” tendency of optimism where the country is concerned.

  • buying growth makes small cap manda attractive

    buying growth makes small cap manda attractive

    Despite the UK equity market giving up any gains it made in the first few months of the year, at the smaller end of the cap scale the need for growth makes many of them an attractive acquisition target.

  • governments open up infrastructure to retail

    governments open up infrastructure to retail

    One look at our schools, hospitals, roads and airports shows that infrastructure investment in the UK is much-needed. Giles Frost looks at how retail investors can take advantage of the increased spend that is opening up the asset class to retail investors.

  • real trends blend with real assets

    real trends blend with real assets

    Philip Richards says investors should reassess what they understand by risky assets in today’s environment, arguing that trends such as increased urbanisation are far more valuable measures of investment trends.

  • Emerging markets are a good contrarian bet

    Emerging markets are a good contrarian bet

    Despite a strong first quarter to the year, emerging markets have subsequently sold off thanks to continuing worries over the weakness of the global recovery. Philip Poole says now is a good buying time…

  • the risk on is cheap dilemma for investors

    the risk on is cheap dilemma for investors

    Such is the state of Europe right now, the relatively risky trades are cheap whereas defensive ones are more expensive. John Husselbee asks why this is so and how investors can take advantage of it.

  • developing turkey still more developed than most

    developing turkey still more developed than most

    Pierre Ciret walks investors in and around Turkey, a country economically and geographically well positioned that he describes as “a model for development and GDP expansion”.

  • be nimble and defensive in a waiting game

    be nimble and defensive in a waiting game

    Charlie Kerr treads a fine line between downside protection, taking advantage of volatility and being ready for when the upturn comes so, for him, liquid and nimble is the way to play it.

  • Fracking all over the world

    Fracking all over the world

    Mark Harris argues that if the US succeeds in becoming a net energy exporter, thereby reducing its reliance on supplies from the Middle East, it will have a wide and profound economic, political and investment impact.

  • portfolio impacts of ltro

    portfolio impacts of ltro

    Richard Cumming-Bruce warns of the transient nature of the boon given to markets by the ECB’s Long-Term Refinancing Operation and assesses its impact on the second half of the year.

  • Momentum strategies benefit from lack of liquidity

    Momentum strategies benefit from lack of liquidity

    Jonathan Smith uses historical analysis as well as up-to-date investment thinking to explain how momentum strategies benefit investors in times of low liquidity and weak growth. Sound a familiar environment, anyone?