Profiles & Comment

  • feds folly

    feds folly

    Coutts & Co's Gary Dugan dissects Ben Bernanke's latest commentary and its predicted effect on markets.

  • bonus of contention

    bonus of contention

    IMA chief executive, Daniel Godfrey talks us through his association’s response to the EU's potential curbs on bonuses, including why managers should not be rewarded for failure.

  • why gold is something to smile about

    why gold is something to smile about

    SLI's Andrew Milligan says it is surprising how many clients ask about gold, even though not many of them actually own it. Here he explains the lure of the yellow metal.

  • a view from the bond market

    a view from the bond market

    Axa Investment Management's Chris Iggo, explains the impact suggestions of tapering have had on bond yields and predicts risk assets could rally next month.

  • its not just about autocalls

    its not just about autocalls

    Ian Lowes, founder of, surveys the structured product market and urges advisers to look outside the autocall box.

  • beating technophobia

    beating technophobia

    Technology is a theme many investors like, but are too nervous about playing through a specialist fund. Andrews Gwynne's Mark Smith is not and, having just reviewed the firm's technology exposure, here are the conclusions.

  • defend the indefensible

    defend the indefensible

    Ashcourt Rowan's Stephen Walker admits it is easy to bash gilts on a poor return/low-yield argument but says that is not enough to keep them out of an investor’s portfolio.

  • a bit of a fright

    a bit of a fright

    Twenty Four Asset Management's John Magrath takes a look at asset-backed securities, out of favour since the financial crisis, but perhaps also widely misunderstood.

  • tackling the taper

    tackling the taper

    Ashburton's head of asset allocation, Tristan Hanson, turns his attention to the biggest issue of the day – the idea of the Federal Reserve tapering QE and the effect it will have on markets as and when it happens.

  • Softening Growth Raises Investor Concerns

    Softening Growth Raises Investor Concerns

    Russ Koesterich, BlackRock’s chief investment strategist, explores the reasons for the recent increase in volatility and why investors should be more concerned about slower economic growth than potential tightening of monetary policy.

  • the grand old duke of markets

    the grand old duke of markets

    North Investment Partners' John Husselbee says defensive sectors that have led the way in the equities rally could very well lead the way back down again.

  • swiss specialist propelling innovation

    swiss specialist propelling innovation

    Alken Asset Management's Antoine Badel looks at the Swiss stock behind the efficiency of the latest bank on the UK high street – Metro Bank.