Profiles & Comment

  • chinese whispers distort the big picture

    chinese whispers distort the big picture

    The rapid growth in Asia’s economy over the past few years has been accompanied by an increase in the region’s sphere of influence. It is fair to say that over the past few years the pace of development across much of Asia has been palpable, particularly in the region’s largest economy, China.

  • structured product providers know customer

    structured product providers know customer's Ian Lowes says while there could be greater innovation in the structured product market, it is investors' lack of risk appetite dictating the the terms on offer.

  • tiers for fears

    tiers for fears

    Dion Global Solutions' Steve Martin discusses the advantages of devising model portfolios with multiple tiers of investment products, so wealth managers don't have to scrimp on personalised service for their clients.

  • what they want is what they get

    what they want is what they get

    David Hambidge explains why a full range of alternative investments alongside the traditional asset classes is needed to give clients what they want.

  • the great escape

    the great escape

    PSigma Investment Management's Thomas Becket, analyses the turn in sentiment towards the UK and whether this is stems from a genuine economic improvement, or a short-term burst of good news.

  • riding the commodity carousel

    riding the commodity carousel

    The constant rise in commodity prices over the past few years may have peaked but does this mean the commodities super-cycle is over and should you buy or sell the asset class?

  • European Relatives

    European Relatives

    Tim Gregory, head of global equities at Psigma Investment Management, reviews the fortunes of European equities during June, and considers the outlook for the sector.

  • when elephants fight

    when elephants fight

    This old African proverb is what Bestinvest's Gareth Lewis uses to characterise the shifting power between China and Japan.

  • leading the charge

    leading the charge

    Old Mutual's Ian Heslop looks at the surprising sectors investors are favouring in the US.

  • kernohan tackles carney conundrum

    kernohan tackles carney conundrum

    Royal London Asset Management's Ian Kernohan explains the conundrum Carney's forward guidance is tasked with solving: why has UK employment been so strong and output so weak?

  • carney rate promise

    carney rate promise

    Coutts' Alan Higgins looks at the impact Carney's forward guidance will have on savers and investors.

  • commodity contrarian - seize the opp

    commodity contrarian – seize the opp

    Gatemore Capital Management's Liad Meidar says the reasons for taking a long-term position in commodities have not vanished.