Profiles & Comment

  • europe past austerity weak corporate earnings

    europe past austerity weak corporate earnings

    Europe may have started to show signs of economic recovery – investor awareness is certainly increasing – but relatively poor corporate earnings may put the dampeners on any sustained market growth.

  • expect the ride to get bumpier King

    expect the ride to get bumpier King

    Given the bond bubble has not burst, equity markets have not collapsed, and even emerging markets are showing signs of improving, Max King explains to the doom-mongers what is really happening.

  • absolute return funds one answer

    absolute return funds one answer

    Investors are questioning absolute return approaches given the tough time they have had so far this year, particularly when there is a strong argument that an equity/cash combination could work just as well.

  • greater regulation weak response to failure

    greater regulation weak response to failure

    We all have the ability to look back in history with rose-tinted glasses especially to the periods when we were growing up (the 1970s in this case), even if that means remembering those skin-tight flares, platform shoes and black and white TVs.

  • appreciate art do not invest in it

    appreciate art do not invest in it

    Investors are constantly on a hunt for assets that can improve the risk-adjusted return of their financial portfolios and in times when the economy is performing poorly, there is a demand for assets that have a low correlation with such traditional asset classes as stocks and bonds.

  • double digit growth multi asset morgan stanley

    double digit growth multi asset morgan stanley

    After a 30-year bull market in bonds, the past three months have seen the first signs of tensions related to an ultimate end to QE.

  • property benefits from reduced bond upside

    property benefits from reduced bond upside

    As property is starting to grab investors' attention once again here is a comparison of an open-ended route into the asset class (through the SWIP Property Trust) and a closed-ended equivalent (Picton Property Income).

  • is tech pick iphone blackberry

    is tech pick iphone blackberry

    An interesting juxtaposition last week as Apple announced the runaway success of its new iPhone5 models, while Blackberry informed investors it is in discussions with a consortium led by Fairfax Financial regarding a possible sale.

  • currency affairs

    currency affairs

    As sterling continues its slide towards three-year lows against the dollar, as well as further weakening against the yen and euro, investors need to weigh up the risks of currency depreciation affecting sterling-based returns.

  • rising out of the ashes

    rising out of the ashes

    Private equity was hit hard during and after the financial crisis but since then asset prices have stabilised, balance sheets are strengthening and the asset class is throwing up some well-priced opportunities

  • emerging europe asian crisis of late 90s

    emerging europe asian crisis of late 90s

    The noise traders remain obsessed with tapering with their spokespeople queuing up this week to say that the Fed had lost credibility, which is market speak for the Fed not acting in the way I had positioned my book.

  • patience risk trust long term

    patience risk trust long term

    One of the major challenges to clients of asset managers is the threat to any form of longer-term thinking – in a world where news or views are defined in terms of 140 characters we are losing both perspective on what really matters and also the ability to focus upon it.